Saturday, April 12, 2008

Mr. Rutgar's Birthday party pictures at last.

Well, it’s about time. We finally found Mr. Rutgar’s party pictures. Although it was March and cold, the sun was shining so we decided to honor his birthday with a Bar-B-Q and it was awesome. Mr. Rugtar could hardly contain himself with the tantalizing smell of hamburgers grilling over the fire. He knew there was one just for him (and Ms. Lilly Zha Zha and dear old Kasper). The kitties, although invited preferred to wait until they were served their portions… raw, of course.
It’s really too bad everyone got so wound up when Mr. Rutty opened his presents. His new dragon, as mentioned before, was gone in minutes. He and Kasper love tug-o-war and there is no stopping them. Unfortunately, the excitement moved on to all the rest of Mr. Rutty’s toys in his basket. We were able to save his favorite, El-ee-phant (or Horton) and hide it until nap time when everyone’s exhilaration had worn off and tummies were full. Since then we have had to check out all the local thrift stores for replacement toys. We are always careful that the toys we find are not stuffed with Styrofoam beads and there are no buttons, eyes, or other things that can be pulled off and swallowed. Although we prefer to support our local charity thrift stores to recycle stuffed toys no longer suitable for children, I must admit, Mr. Rutty has a new squeaky toy that he loves and his cotton tug rope is just about worn out and he’ll soon need a new one.
Our crew wants to remind everyone that there are a lot of wonderful pets needing forever homes. A good place to start is your local animal shelter and if you’re interested in a specific breed, check out the purebred rescue organizations. And please, spay and neuter your pets. We would love to see everyone as happy as our guys.
For more information, check out our newest blogspot:
See you soon. Now that spring is finally here, we’ll be having lots more adventures to tell you about. Soon the bears will be showing up and they’re no fun to play with!